Thomas Donaldson
Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann
Thomas Donaldson undrer sig over, om Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann befinder sig I København eller I Rom, fordi hun har givet uklare oplysninger om det i sit sidste brev.
Donaldson forsøger at hjælpe Jerichau Baumann med at få udgivet sin illustrerede bog Brogede Rejse i England, men han skriver, at mange engelske forlag ikke interesserer sig for tysksproget litteratur. Donaldson håber dog, at forlaget Mac Millan måske vil tage den, og han beder derfor Jerichau Baumann om at sende bogen samt nogle illustrationer til ham.
Donaldson har taget sig af Jerichau Baumanns malerier i hendes fravær, og han har sørget for god opbevaring af dem.
Han klager over sit helhed, særligt synet og hørelsen er blevet dårligere, og hans hukommelse svigter. Donaldson bor sammen med sine to søstre, hvoraf den ene har været syg. Den anden søster er heldigvis ved godt helbred og har taget sig af de to søskende. Han håber, Jerichau Baumann vil tage imod Lady Walkers invitation om at komme til Liverpool, hvor der vil blive holdt en reception.
21 Upper Bedford Place, London W C
28th April 1881
My dear Mme. Jerichau. I have received your welcome letter of the 18th [inst?]; but you give your Copenhagen address, & then in the body of your letter mention your having arrived at Rome! And then again the postal stamp is from Kjobenhagen and Danmark. Iam therefore quite confused as to where I should address this. I have of late been very unwell, but I have siege the very first free opportunity to enquire, as to a publisher for your proposed new work. We are here very ignorant as to German Literature, and your name is not familiar to our book circles, and no Publisher will undertake to publish a volume or volumes of an author, without having some opportunity of ascertaining his qualifications // I thought of Murray; but I understand, that he would not engage in such a speculation. But Mac Millan is a likely man. xxx And I am advised, that you must send it over or a portion to enable an editor to judge of the [reope?] & treatment of the subject; and it would be desirable for him to have a copy of yr. previous work – & some drawings of the subjects to be illustrated. Mr Fergusson, a distinguished author on architecture, has let me know his opinion & advice, that these preliminaries are essential[.]
Pray make use of me, by sending to me any thing you may wish forwarded.
And as for your pictures they are well taken care of, & welcome to house-room, as long as may be convenient to you. I am not likely to to move till taken to my last-home. In fact I am grown very old 85½, and consequently infirm, particularly within the last 12 months my memory has quite failed me, except of old // friends, my sight & hearing are become very weak, & I can only toddle along on foot for 100 Jards, & then I can no more! Alas poor old man! One of my sisters is very ill & also infirm; the other Miss Donaldson, (we all live together) is, thank God very hale and hearty. We have had a very serious spring. The cold cast wind has been productive of great suffering, particularly to the aged.
I am glad to hear of your brilliant success with your Queen, to whom I feel you will devote all your b[r]illiant energies to do justice to the dignity of her position & her personal qualities. I fully sympathize in all your anxieties & cares for your surroundings.
I hope you will accept Lady Walkers invitation for Liverpool, & under her wings have a prosperous reception, & successful sale of your fine work. I think your idea of dedicating yr work to the Princess of Wales a capital one. She is a great favorite with us. //
You will perceive by my writing what a seribbler I am become, & how weak! I must now bid you goodbye & await a letter from you, for I am quite unconscious whether this will reach you.
I shall send a postal card to Rome, to let you know (if there) that I have written to you at Copenhagen[.]
Believe me, dear Mme Jerichau
Yours very attached faithful friend
Tho. L: Donaldson
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Sidst opdateret 05.03.2018