Thomas Donaldson
Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann
Th. Donaldson vedlægger i sit brev til Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann et svar med informationer om, hvad Prinsen af Wales, senere Edvard VII af Storbritannien, har bestemt. Nogle af forberedelserne til Prinsens og Prinsesse Alexandras reception på Marlborough House når ikke at blive færdige.
Donaldson har sendt papirerne på J.A. Jerichaus skulpturgruppe videre for at lade den registrere, men det er gået op for ham, at det ikke er nødvendigt.
Donaldson anbefaler, at J.A. Jerichau sender sin buste af Prinsesse Alexandra direkte til Royal Academy i stedet for at sende den til Donaldsons adresse først, eftersom fragtfirmaet er ansvarlig for den, indtil destinationen er nået. Donaldson anbefaler, at J.A. Jerichau signerer busten for at sikre sin copyright. Donaldson vil undersøge mulighederne for at sælge copyrighten, og han vil tage sig af en kopi af modellen i den forbindelse.
Donaldson vedlægger også The Times og to numre af The Illustrated London News, hvor der skrives om prinsens og prinessens bryllup.
Bolton Gardens Russellsq
25 March 1863
My dear Mm. Jerichau
Enclosed is a reply at length received from Cole. Knollys which informs you of what the Prince has decided at present. Marlborough has still the [workmen?] in it & it will not be ready for the reception of the Prince & Princess for some weeks to come. I sent down to register the group & now find that it is not necessary to register such works. It is sufficient // for the group to have the name of the Sculptor cut upon it[.]
I strongly advise Mr Jerichau to send his bust direct to the Royal academy of arts Trafalgar Square London & not first to me. As the shippers then are responsible for it to its destination and accident might arise from any break in its journey hither I mean if first sent to Bolton Gardens & deposited here & then to be // sent on again to the Royal academy. Ask him to incise his name on the bust to secure the copyright. I will see as to selling the copyright & will take care of the pla[i?]stermoulded copy for the purpose.
I really do not know the value of such copyright.
I sent you the Times with the account of the Marriage & subsequently the 2 consecutive Numbers of the Illustrated // London News.
Iam glad to say Mm. Donaldson is now much better & goes out occasionally in a carriage. We regret to learn you are so unwell & overworked & trust your trip to London may restore you to health & strength as also Mr Jerichau.
Adieu Adieu & believe me my dear Madam with kindest regards from both yrs very truly
Tho. L. Donaldson
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Sidst opdateret 05.03.2018