Thomas Donaldson
Afsenders adresse: Bolton Gardens Russell Square
Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann
Thomas Donaldson skriver til Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann, at han sympatiserer med den katastrofe, som er overgået J.A. Jerichau angående hans marmorstatue fra Rom.
Donaldson rejser til Egypten i 6 uger med henblik på byggeriet af et konsulat i Alexandria. Han håber på, at han får mulighed for at rejse nord på til Theben eller op langs Nilen. Under alle omstændigheder satser han på at se pyramiderne omkring Cairo.
Donaldson er involveret i transporten af en af J.A. Jerichaus skulpturer, som skal bringes til British Museum i London, og han skriver, at det vil være bedst, hvis Jerichau selv henvender sig til museets trustees.
Bolton Gardens Russellsquare
3 December 1860
My dear Mm. Jerichau
My wife & I received with much pleasure your letter of the 26 Novm. giving so pleasuring a picture of your domestic happiness and such good accts of Mr Jerichaus professional proceeding. We sympathise however with you both upon the sad catastrophe to the statue which had just arrived from Rome // with respect to the expected stranger it appears that you are realizing the blessing of the Psalmist and that Mr Jerichau’s [g…er?] promises to be very full. You will be surprised to hear that I am about to leave England for 6 weeks for Egypt having to go out to Alexandria to make arrangements for the erection of a proper consulate there. I could wish & yet I dare hope to be able to get up to Thebes as it is or high up the Nile & my absence is necessarily limited but if I can hire a small steamer to run me up so far at a moderate cost I will do so. At all events I shall see the Pyramids for Cairo is only 7 hours passage from Alexandria. //
With respect to the proposition for the disposal of Mr Jerichau’s marbles, Mr. Hawkins has resigned his appointment at the British Museum & his successor I find upon enquiry is not yet appointed. I think it will be best for Mr Jerichau himself to make the offer to the Trustees or if he will write me direct a letter to that effect I will transmit it to the proper offices. But at all events the offer must be for the delivery in London by Mr. Jerichau of the marbles as the trustees will not purchase articles at Rome. The risk & cost of transport to England must be with the letter[.] They must be delivered at the British Museum // for the amount of purchase. I should suppose that Mr Jerichau could ascertain from some agent at Rome the cost of packing & transport to England. Here I believe no duty is paid for such articles particularly if for the British Museum. It is in this form alone, I believe, that the Museum Trustees will entertain a proposition for purchase. The offer of your Government seems a very insignificant one. Adieu adieu dear Madame Jerichau[.] Pray present my kindest regards to Mr J & repeat to him the expression of our admiration of his exquisite group which a most worthy artistic ornament in our [R…?] & believe dear friend most faithfully yrs
Tho. L: Donaldson
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Sidst opdateret 10.07.2018