Lady Eastlake
Afsenders hjemadresse i London: Fritzroy Square 7.
Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann
Modtagerstedet må være København, da Lady Eastlake skriver om EJB’s hjemkomst.
Lady Eastlake har været syg og sengeliggende i den seneste tid, men nu er hun rask igen. Sygdommen har bevirket, at hun ikke har fået besvaret Elisabeth Jerichau Baumanns (EJB) breve.
Eastlake har tænkt meget på EJB under hendes hjemrejse til søs, da det har stormet en del. Heldigvis lider ingen af dem af søsyge.
Eastlake reflekterer over deres venskab, som hun sætter stor pris på.
Før Eastlake rejser til Rotterdam og Haag den 29. juli, vil hun opsøge galleristen Gambart for at undersøge, hvad han har gjort med EJB’s malerier. Hendes mand skal inspicere nogle malerier i Haag. Derefter går deres rejse til Hannoverområdet, hvor et galleri er ved at blive solgt, og derfra videre til Paris og Italien. Eastlake ærgrer sig over, at hun stadig føler sig lidt svagelig i forhold til rejsen.
Eastlake hilser fra sin mand, Charles Eastlake, der takker EJB og J.A. Jerichau for at have gjort ham til medlem af Kunstakademiet i København. Medlemskabet vil formentlig ankomme til England, før de er tilbage fra deres rejse, og Eastlake beder derfor EJB om at tage højde derfor i forbindelse med forsendelsen.
I London er der travlhed til trods for årstiden, og Eastlake længes efter at opholde sig på landet.
I slutningen af denne uge lukker Royal Academys udstilling, og i den forbindelse gives der en stor middag, som Eastlake deltager i. Hvis EJB havde opholdt sig i London ville hun også have modtaget en invitation dertil.
7 Fitzroy Square
July 19 1858.
My dear Mdme. Jerichau
Both your very kind and welcome letters are in my hands. The first found me in a very unusual place for me, namely in my bed. Sir Charles kindly read it out to me at my bedside. I was very ill for a short time with inflammation of the lungs, but your kind letter with its fryful xxx of your having reached your home was like a reviving cordial to me. My illness must be my excuse for not having written immediately to you in answer. I am now well again, though I have not yet my usual strength, I sometimes // feel intrepid but, I should not have enough for the duties & fatigues & pleasures, before me. But God will provide.
I thought of you much on your voyage dear Mdme Jerichau, I feared that the wind which agitated the trees in our square must be very rough at sea. Like me you are not sea sick – this is a great exemption from one of the sufferings of humanity, but in spite my health I dislike a seavoyage – probably from having had some very rough ones.
The account of your children’s joy at possessing you again – and also of their improvement is very interesting to me. I love to think that you have this great object in life and reward for your labours – your children – though // I try on the other hand to realice the benefits of not possessing such xxx objects of love – feeling that alone as I am – I am yet too much attached to this life. At all events dear Mdme Jerichau you have given me a fresh joy in life – at my age another friend is the rarest, but the highest pleasure one can have.
It was all your kindness not mine that made you so readily know me [enter?] with my feelings – even in one respect which so few understand to approach, & in which by your inestimable drawing you have drawn so tenderly as closely to me. I can only wish you all the best happiness this world can give, with your beloved husband, your // children and your art.
I am only now beginning to go out (not into the work) & before we leave for the Continent I shall see Mr Gambart and hear what has been the fate of your pictures. We think of leaving on the 29th going direct to Rotterdam. & thence to the Hague, where Sir Charles has pictures to inspect. Then we turn our steps to a place, Söder, in the vicinity of Hanover, where an old gallery is to be sold. Thence to Paris, and then straight over the Mount Cenis into Italy. It is rather early for me to such northern movements, but Sir Charles [recovers?] in hot weather, & for me I must take care of myself as well as I can. I only wish I // felt stronger for my dear husband’s sake who wants a wife more robust than himself, & has hitherto had one who was so. In seeing pictures, in which you know I take such delight I shall often think of my dear companion at Mr Barings Gallery.
Sir Chas begs me to express to Mr Jerichau & you the great gratification he feels at the honor the Copenhagen Academy has done him in electing him one of their body.
He will be very proud of his Diploma, but as it may arrive before he returns to England you will kindly put the right construction on his [release?]
I am so glad you are enjoying the sweet influences of the country. // with which you combine sea air. This will be more refreshing than travelling, but that I could not be happy to let leave Sir Chas only with a servant. I could willingly exchange dusty roads, & railways &even free [of?] galleries, for the sake of the peace and rest of dear country homes which are open to me in Scotland. I hope, however, to spend two days with my dear Mother in Windsor before we go.
This enormous London is rather less full now. People unconnected with Parliament, are rushing away from heat & noise. Those that are left however, are still keeping up the round of gaiety, & afternoon // parties are frequent, & sometimes spoiled by the now changeable weather.
At the end of this week our R. Academy exhibition closes, & on the 28th the Academy gives their annual soireé which usually gives me as much trouble with invitations & as if I gave it myself! However it is an interesting occasion – all exhibitors are present, & some of the beau monde who like to see the pictures for the last time. Had you been in London you would have had your invitation by right, on being an exhibitor.
I should have enjoyed the evening // much more!
I am glad to hear that your royalties do your honor. You are too kind to remember me at such a time.
Only remember me in all that most deeply concerns you. & believe in the deep interest with which I am dear Mdme Jerichau
Your’s [affted?]
Eliza Eastlake
Sir Chas’ kindest regard – your letter touched him much.
When I return from Italy and Spain – please God – I shall venture to send you another letter.
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Sidst opdateret 10.07.2018