Lady Eastlake
Afsenders hjemadresse i London: Fritzroy Square 7.
Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann
Ud fra brevets indhold at dømme må det antages, at EJB befinder sig i London under modtagelsen.
Lady Eastlake har mødt Lady Wastminister, som meget gerne vil møde Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann (EJB). Desværre kan Lady Eastlake ikke følge EJB over til Lady Westminister, hvis invitation gælder i tidsrummet kl. 15-19. Som regel tager Lady Westminister imod i Great Gallery. Hvis EJB foretrækker at vente til Lady Eastlake selv kan nå frem, kan hun gøre det i det første rum.
7 Fitzroy Sqr
June 19. 1858
Dear Mdme Jerichau
I met Lady Westminster at the Queen’s Concert last night & she again said how happy she should be to see you.
I told xxx her that I was unfortunately not able to bring you, but that I should endeavour to persuade you to go without me. I therefore // send this note, dear Lady, to say that I am sure you may venture to go alone. The invitation is from 3 to 7.
Lady Westminster generally receives her guests at the door of the Great Gallery.
We shall hardly be there before 5 – perhaps a little before – and if you would prefer to go in with me // & if you would go about ½ past 4, & sit & wait in the first room (where the great Canaletti Bullfight is) we should find you on our entrance. But feel yourself free. & do as you like best. At all events it will be a great pleasure to me to meet you there. And I shall hope for it. //
Believe me ever truly your’s
Eliza Eastlake
Tell your cabman
“Grosvenor House” – Grovenor Street
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Sidst opdateret 10.07.2018