Lady Eastlake
Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann
Rom (Italien)
Lady Eastlake skriver i brevet, at hun antager, at værket Italiensk mor med sit barn befinder sig i Rom sammen med EJB, så det må antages, at brevet modtages i Rom.
Lady Eastlake skriver til Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann (EJB), at hun har modtaget årets regulativer omkring indsendelse af værker til Royal Academys udstilling. Malerier til udstillingen skal sendes ind den 4. eller 5. april. De skal være indrammede og ledsaget af et brev, hvor kunstners navn og adresse er anført. Værkets titel skal være anført og det kommer til at indgå i udstillingskataloget. Royal Academy dækker ikke omkostninger til transport af værker.
EJB befinder sig ikke i London, men planlægger at udstille to værker på Royal Academy: Drengen med fårene (1857), som opbevares hos arkitekten Thomas Donaldson, og Italiensk mor med sit barn (1854), som befandt sig med EJB i Rom. Det er umuligt at vide på forhånd, om ens værker har mulighed for at blive udstillede.
Eastlake fortæller, at kunstneren Sir Edward Landseer har det fint og kommer i selskaber med jævne mellemrum. Hun glæder sig over, at EJB har mødt billedhuggeren John Gibson i Rom.
Eastlake fortæller om sin rejse til Italien, og ægtefællen Charles Eastlakes helbred er blevet meget bedre i forbindelse med rejsen. Hun reflekterer over den politiske og kulturelle krisesituation i Italien (i juni 1859 fandt Slaget ved Solferino blandt andet sted).
7 Fitzroy Square
July 18. 1859
My dear Mdme. Jerichau
You will have looked for my answer sooner – but it was only yesterday that I could obtain this year’s regulations for the sending in of pictures to the Exhibition of the Royal Academy. I will tell you this first. The rules are that the pictures be sent to the R. Academy on Monday or Tuesday the 4th. & 5th. April. That they be all properly framed, & accompanied by a letter stating the name & address of the painter [xxx] & the title of the picture to be inserted in the catalogue. These are the official rules and I must say that the Academy pays no [referee?] of transport of // any Kind. Now, with regard to your shepherd picture at the Donaldson’s (which I truly admire, & will remember) it will be right to let him know to procure a frame, & to hire a cart to take the picture to the R. A. on one of those days. “Danish Shephert with Dog & Shep” by Elisabeth Jerichau with yr address is all that need be said in the letter which accompanies it.
The other title would be as you say “Young Italian Mother, nursing her Child” you can add the price, which I think very reasonable, to each[.] I conclude that this last picture is with you in Rome, & have to be sent by that time. There is no possibility of knowing beforehand whether a picture will be accepted. But I think you may send your’s without // [xxx] though in our limited space in the Exhibition rooms, [xxx] all [xxx] to admit foreign artists it is difficult to find place – or good place – for large pictures. Every picture & sent, except those by the members themselves, are examined by the President of Council, & accepted or refused before they open the letter. Still, I should be very much surprised indeed if, large as it is, the picture I send were not admitted, for I feel that it would be a real ornament to our walls.
And now dear Mdme Jerichau, let me thank you for your most kind letter. It is a true pleasure to have tidings of you. I had already thought you must be in Rome. I am glad you are working well & glad too that [xxx] [xxx] than those [xxx] of completing // a picture to your own liking, are in store for you. The [xxx] of our Maker is [xxx] presented to a Mother is the most beautiful thing her eye can gage upon. I hope you will take care of yourself[.] As regards Sir E. Landseer he is tolerably well – well enough to be in company sometimes. He dined with us last month, & was truly interesting in his conversation. If you were able to come to England I have no doubt he wd fulfil your request, but he is so shy & nervous now that it wd require a little address. I am glad you have made dear Mr Gibson’s acquaintance. Through he is perhaps Mr. Penry Williams, a very able painter, living halfway up the Pincian Hill. Mr Gibson & he are litteral literally our only friends in Rome.
I quite respond to what you feel regard // the degeneracy fast in Modern Rome. In my very few days there – barely 6 – I found time to fill my soul with ancient Rome, & to feel that the Rome of the last 3 centuries was an odious interloper between me & all I could most admire & feed on there. I shall never forget my first overpowering impre[s]sions at sight of the [xxx]. I felt that I came of Roman blood, & that in face of old Roman night & modern Roman superstition I shd become a very Pagan! Our Italian tour was more that usually enchanting. In Florence I spent 3 weeks – cherful alone – & the memory of the time will cheer me till I die. I [d…?] all day long, in my little way, in the galleries or from nature, & in respect & no love for the art will not [xxx] to any body. We were not back // in our comfortable home until the beginning of Novr. I am glad to say that Sir Chas’ health so much improved while away that the fruits of his tour have continued longer than usual. Up to this time he has gone through the winter better than he has done for many years. Though he has now taken a cold which makes him delicate. We acquired some pictures of great interest for the N. Gallery, especially a very striking Moretto portrait – also an enchanting Bellini. We have been living tolerable quietly since our return. My aged mother & my single sister have been with us, but are now gone to visit my younger married sister. The older I grow the more I find life [xxx] full of solemn // things. I have had much to think of lately & only trust not to become melancholy, which is not my nature, & very wrong in any Christian – especially one with so many blessings as I possess. London, with its busy selfish hordes, is oppressive sometimes even to me, though I have many kind & dear friends in it. Now the meeting of Parliament has filled it full, like the height of the season.
[Just?] nightly crowds are beginning in the ministerial Homes. I have been to [xxx] [xxx] of them & was introduced the [xxx] [xxx] to Count Platen, who spoke of you & Mr Jerichau with great respect. Mdme. Malakoff also I saw[,] she does not look much like a victim! – but seems extremely well [xxx] matched in appearance with her plebeian husband. // The political [stato?] of the world makes us anxious. Sardinia has lost our respect & there seems to me no monarch now worthy of esteem except our own admirable Lady. Alas! poor Italy, so long misgoverned by [xxx] & State – & yet a race so grand & so sympathetic still! The finest I still think by nature in Europe.
Now dear Mdme Jerichau I must write you good bye. I am too happy to answer any questions – or to do anything which you think I can perform. I sent your letter immediately to Mr Gambart.
Remember me [unbekanntersweisse?] to Mr Jerichau
Believe me yours affthe
Eliza Eastlake
A certain little [drawing?] is looked at by me with the greatest gratitude.
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Sidst opdateret 05.07.2018