Fodnoter til 27.5.1858

5 af Elisabeth Jerichau Baumanns malerier var udstillet hos kunsthandleren Ernest Gambart i The French Gallery, og den 27. maj 1858 havde Dasent fået trykt følgende omtale af udstillingen i The Times:


In his management of this exhibition M. Gambart adopts a very effective mode of keeping alive the interest of his visitors, and, no doubt, of promoting the sale of season tickets by constant additions to the collection, and by the alterations in hanging which these additions render necessary. (…) Besides thes work, the ”Young Drummer”, by Edouard Frére, and the ”Duel after the Masquarade” by Gerome – M. Gambart has received two historical compositions of rare exellence, by Gallais (…) and no fewer than five pictures of Scandinavian life by Madame Jerichau, the accomplished wife of the eminent Danish sculptor, whose ”Hunter” will be remembered as one of the statutes honoured with a medal at the Great Exhibition of 1851 (…)."

Sidst opdateret 06.07.2018