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Thomas Donaldson
AfsenderstedLondon |
16.2.1863 | Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann |
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DokumentindholdThomas Donaldson undskylder, at han har været så længe om at besvare Elisabeth Jerichau Baumanns breve. Han har til gengæld fået videresendt hendes kommission og han håber, alle værkerne er nået frem uden problemer. |
London 16[rettet fra 15] Februar 1863
Mydear M.me Jerichau.
I am afraid you must have thought me the most uncourteous, the most ungallant, man in the world, in not having sooner acknowledged your letters. But I took care to execute your commission, which was the one main thing, & I trust that you received the precious casts in good sound condition, whole, unbroken, & none the [worse?] for this trip to England. // The truth is, that for 4 months, I was deeply engaged in preparing for the Queen a design for the Prince Consort’s Memorial, being one of 7 architects invited to submit to her Majesty our notions of that subject. It was a serious task. I had to prepare 14 drawings. They were sent in a month since & arranged in S George’s Hall, Windsor, for her inspection. But I suppose it will be some time ere she will decide; for it is supposed, that she will await the presence here of the Princess of Prussia to assist her in the selection – as she is a person of so much taste & feeling for art. //
My principal feature is a group of the Prince & some 25 or 30 feet high in a noble shrine of Corinthian architecture; so that the Sculpture may be under cover & so guaranteed from our frightful climate.
I am glad to see the compliment paid to Mr Jerichau in the selection made of his statue, as a present for our future Princess of Wales. You & he must have been highly gratified by such a tribute paid to his genius & taste.
I enclose a paper connected with the art Union of London & [only?] […?] Mr Jerichau would [con…?] to send us a statue in competition I would guarantee him a good & fair tribunal. I am a member of the Council & chairman of the Committee of general purposes.
We are all looking forward with great joy to receiving your charming Princess whose // graces & virtues are fully appreciated by the English People. She will receive a hearty welcome & be adopted into our affections.
You need not fear for her, as nothing will be wanting on the part of the Nation, to render her happy in every respect. We like the connexion much, & that new blood of a more northern race will be infused into our Royal family. God bless the dear young couple & “may they deserve the flitch” [.]
Adieu Adieu & with Mm. Donaldson’s & my own united Kindest regards to Mr Jerichau & your own self[.] Believe me my dear Madam
Most truly yrs
Tho. L: Donaldson
We trust all your young group are well
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Elisabeth Jerichau Baumanns kunstneriske aktiviteter i England | |
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Mathilda Donaldson · Thomas Donaldson · J.A. Jerichau · Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann |