No. 306 af 604
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Kamma Rahbek 1818 Hanne Langberg

Kamma Rahbek skriver til Johanne Langberg, at idet hun er bekendt med Hannes ønske om at glæde hende, takker hun for blomsterne, hun sendte hende i morges.

[Tilføjet med anden håndskrift:] 1818

My best beloved Countchild!

Being too well acquainted with that fond kindness of Yours, which makes You ever solicitous in procuring that, wherein You know my heart do rejoice; I could not hesitate in regarding You as the amiable provider of those nice flowers, which greeted me this morning with their beautiful looks, and told me much secretly, that they came from my dear friend Hannah. May these poor words be my thanks, my heart thanks You most gratefully, but my bad crow-pen will not do its duty, and besides I am but ill, having catch’d cold yesterday evening. I cannot forbear finishing this note with the delaration, that You have out-went Your rival, at least in one point.

Yours affectionate friend
K. M. Rahbek

Sidst opdateret 02.12.2013 Print