No. 416 af 604
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George Webbe Dasent [+]



1852 [+]


Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann udstillede på galleriet i Bridgewater House under sit første besøg i London i 1852.

Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann

G.W. Dasent skriver til Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann, at der er sket en misforståelse omkring den dato, hvor de sammen skulle se et af hendes malerier, som udstilles på galleriet i Bridgewater House. Han vil tage hen og kigge på maleriet alene denne morgen, og brevet her skal stoppe hende fra at tage hele vejen til Bridgewater House forgæves.

13 Eaton Place South
Friday Morning

Dear Madame Jerichau

               I am sorry to say that there is some mis-understanding as to the day when I was to see your picture. By tomorrow I meant Thursday not Friday, for I am unfortunately // engaged at ½ past four today, and I am afraid that it will not be possible for me to meet you at Bridgewater House at that hour[.]
Under these cercumstances I have thought it best to go alone this // morning to see your picture and I write this note to [sp?]are you the trouble of a fruitless journey to Bridgewater House[.] I think if you look at my note again you will see that it is dated June the 9th. // With many apologies for giving you all this trouble[.]
               Believe me
               Yours very truly
                G.W. Dasent

Elisabeth Jerichau Baumanns kunstneriske aktiviteter i England
George Webbe Dasent · Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann
Sidst opdateret 06.07.2018 Print