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George Webbe Dasent [+]



u.å. Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann

G.W. Dasent undskylder over Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann, at han ikke kan følge med hende til Roehampton næste søndag, fordi han skal besøge nogle venner uden for byen.
Dasent beder Jerichau Baumann om ikke at takke for den notits, han har bragt om hendes malerier. Han håber, at publikum vil tage godt imod hendes malerier.

6. Broad Sanctuary

Dear Madame Jerichau

               I am sorry to say that I cannot accompany you to Roehampton on Sunday next, because I am engaged to go out of town on a visit to the Friends with whom // Mrs Dasent is staying.
Pray do not thank me for the notes of your pictures[.] it is no more; in fact it is less, than they deserve.
I sincerely hope that the Public will appreciate them at // their true worth.
Mrs Dasent will return on Monday or Tuesday & then I hope we shall see something more of you.
               Believe me
                 very truly yours
                 G.W. Dasent

Elisabeth Jerichau Baumanns kunstneriske aktiviteter i England
George Webbe Dasent · Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann
Sidst opdateret 06.07.2018 Print