No. 451 af 604
Afsender Dato Modtager
Lady Eastlake [+]




Afsenders hjemadresse i London: Fritzroy Square 7.

9.6.1858 Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann [+]


Ud fra brevets indhold må det antages, at EJB befinder sig i London.


Lady Eastlake skriver, at hun ikke kan mødes med Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann (EJB) den kommende fredag, men hun foreslår i stedet mandag. De skal se Grosvenor Gallery sammen, og da dette ikke er stort, foreslår Eastlake, at kombinere det med et besøg i British Institution og i National Gallery, hvor de skal se Ghirlandaios malerier.

7 Fitzroy Sqr
June 9. 1858

Alas! dear Mdme. Jerichau
I find that I had overlooked an engagement on Friday & that a friend from the country is engaged to come to me at 11 oclock. I therefore cannot go out that morning, but we will make the most of Monday, for the Grosvenor Gallery is not large. & // we can quite well combine it with the British Institution & with a little visit to the Ghirlandayo at the National Gallery. But meanwhile I shall see you on Saturday & only regret that we cannot see more of one another.
        Yours very truly
                        Eliza Eastlake

Elisabeth Jerichau Baumanns kunstneriske aktiviteter i England
Lady Eastlake · Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann
Sidst opdateret 10.07.2018 Print