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George Webbe Dasent 16.6.1858 Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann

G.W. Dasent har bragt en notits om Elisabeth Jerichau Baumanns maleri i The Times. Han håber, den omtale af hendes værk er tilstrækkeligt. Dasent og Jerichau Baumann har været på sightseeing sammen i England, og han skriver, at det har været en stor glæde for ham at vise hende nogle af de engelske sights. Han bringer hende hilsner fra sin kone. De håber begge, at det er blevet bedre med Jerichau Baumanns arm.

[Tilføjet med blyant og med en anden hånd:] Engelsk Forfatter

June 16th.

Dear Madame Jerichau

               If you see ”The Times” you will [have?] read in the Court Circular of today that I had anticipated your wish.
I am not able to // insert the notes in other Papers, but possibly you may think the publicity of “The Times” sufficient. At any rate you are spared asking the leave of Col Phipps for the appearance // of the paragraph. Pray don’t say a word about our sight-seeing yesterday. It gave me great pleasure to show you some of our sights. How hot it is Today! Mrs Dasent desires // her kindest regards, & hopes your arm is better; a hope in which I heartily join.
               Believe me
                  Yours very truly
                     G.W. Dasent

Elisabeth Jerichau Baumanns kunstneriske aktiviteter i England
George Webbe Dasent · Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann
Sidst opdateret 05.03.2018 Print